Spanish Practice Club Blog

How To Learn The Spanish Language

Spanish Practice Club Blog - How to learn Spanish language
Spanish Practice Club Blog - How to learn Spanish language

How to find out how far you can get with your Spanish language (a free bilingual CEFR guide)

February 13, 20233 min read

“The difference between a stumbling block and a stepping stone is how high you raise your foot.” - Benny Lewis

How to find out how far you can get with your Spanish language (A free CEFR bilingual guide)

Spanish Practice Club - How To Learn The Spanish Language

It’s a big mistake Spanish language learners make when they start and even when they have been acquiring the language for a while...

If you’d love to feel confident and be fluent in conversational Spanish from the beginning, it’s likely you are making this mistake.

It’s another reason clients and students give up on their goal and start making excuses…

I want to share with you how you can avoid this expensive mistake.

But first… let’s be honest. The Spanish language is CHALLENGING.

It isn’t unusual that clients who decide to acquire the language…

  • Lose motivation

  • Talk themselves out of it

  • Plunder instead of learning

Then when they are in Spain wishing that they could express themselves freely, they wonder if there’s an easy way to achieve their objective.

It can be very frustrating…

But remember that opportunities to spend time in Spain come around all the time, you just need to make sure that you uncover the tools you need to help you pinpoint your personal goal. 

But with so much overwhelming misinformation going around - How do you know?

Maybe you can relate to this…

Every time you want to get started or want to get back into it, questions like where? or how? come to mind,


Imagine yourself in Spain and visualise your next conversation with your lovely Spanish neighbour, who would love to invite you and your family to their next sunny barbecue; or imagine walking into a shop you love, but that you have been avoiding for far too long for fear of being misunderstood when you ask your questions. Or perhaps, you’d love to be able to cook your favourite Spanish dish using the right ingredients, so that you can recreate the exact Spanish flavour you love so much! 

You see, Spanish language students and clients who decide to live their lives on their terms, will carve their own path to success. 

Think about a radar…

This is what you need to become if you wish to thrive with the Spanish language.

You find how far you wish to get and how, and you set out to bring about results by deciding and measuring your goals.

Then you don’t have to be in Spain wondering if you should or shouldn’t speak to your neighbour or approach a local to ask your questions. 

Now this is all possible but what most people do is get started without any information that will help them understand their own end goal…

If you acquire Spanish without knowing what your end goal is, this is costing you the resources that you actually need to help you make progress in consistent ways. 

The key is to identify your end goal.

When you know this, it will be much easier to design your learning path. 

Just like a radar that activates and finds the way when it needs to pinpoint what is relevant. 

You must think like this too. 

This is exactly what I work on with my clients.

Taking all my expertise I help clients identify their personal end goal using the international Common European Framework of Reference For Languages.

When they use this tool, they find out what they really need from the language and they spend less time using practices that don’t serve them…

And more time getting excited about the next time they travel to Spain! 

So if you’d like to start acquiring Spanish the right way, look no further…

Download a free copy of your CEFR bilingual guide here >>> The CEFR and book your free 15m chat with me here >>> to start acquiring Spanish within days!

Spanish Practice Club - How To Learn The Spanish Language (CEFR Bilingual Guide)

(Cover photo credit: Pexels, Alicante, Valencian Community, Spain by Krisztian Kormos)

what spanish languagehow spanish languagewhich spanish level am i
Founder at Spanish Practice Club. 
Teacher, coach and author helping clients become fluent in Spanish and create the great opportunities life has to offer

Beatriz Valverde Garzón

Founder at Spanish Practice Club. Teacher, coach and author helping clients become fluent in Spanish and create the great opportunities life has to offer

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