Spanish Practice Club Blog

How To Learn The Spanish Language

Spanish Practice Club Blog - How to learn Spanish language
Spanish Practice Club Blog - How to learn Spanish language

The best strategies to make progress from day one when learning Spanish

October 09, 20233 min read

One cannot successfully express their ideas without having solid vocabulary skills.⁣ - Adriana Vandelinde

The best strategies to make progress from day one when learning Spanish

Spanish Practice Club Blog - How to learn Spanish

Setting effective goals is a crucial step in your journey to learn Spanish. As a qualified bilingual teacher, I can provide you with practical and fun methods to set and achieve your language learning goals. Let's dive in:

1. SMART goals:

  • Use the SMART framework to make your goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

    For example, "I will have a 10-minute conversation in Spanish with a native speaker within three months."

2. Break it down:

  • Divide your larger goal into smaller, manageable milestones. It's less overwhelming and helps you stay motivated.

3. Create a vision board:

  • Make a visual representation of your goals using images, quotes, and phrases related to Spanish and your aspirations. Hang it where you can see it daily for inspiration.

4. Daily language journal:

  • Maintain a journal in Spanish. Set a daily word count or time limit for writing. Gradually increase it as you progress.

5. Gamify your goals:

  • Turn your goals into a game. Assign points or rewards for completing tasks or reaching milestones. Challenge yourself to beat your own scores.

6. Learn with a buddy:

7. Visual progress tracker:

  • Create a chart or graph to visually track your progress. Fill it in as you achieve milestones. It's satisfying to see your accomplishments grow.

8. Use language learning apps:

  • Many language learning apps allow you to set daily or weekly goals. They provide a structured way to achieve your objectives.

9. Reward yourself:

  • Treat yourself when you reach a significant milestone. Whether it's a favourite meal or a small gift, rewards can boost motivation.

10. Join a language challenge:

  • Participate in language challenges or competitions within your language learning community. They provide a sense of accountability and achievement.

11. Personalize your goals:

  • Tailor your goals to your interests. If you love cooking, set a goal to follow recipes in Spanish. If you're into music, aim to understand Spanish song lyrics.

12. Seek professional guidance:

13. Review and adjust:

  • Regularly assess your progress. If a goal isn't working for you, don't hesitate to adjust it. Flexibility is key.

14. Create a language learning calendar:

  • Plan your language learning activities on a calendar. It helps you allocate time for specific goals and ensures you don't neglect any aspect of learning.

15. Share your goals publicly:

Remember that setting goals is a dynamic process. As you progress and gain confidence, your goals may evolve. The most important thing is to enjoy the journey of learning Spanish while striving toward your objectives. ¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)

Spanish languagehow to learn Spanish
Founder at Spanish Practice Club. 
Teacher, coach and author helping clients become fluent in Spanish and create the great opportunities life has to offer

Beatriz Valverde Garzón

Founder at Spanish Practice Club. Teacher, coach and author helping clients become fluent in Spanish and create the great opportunities life has to offer

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